- Grommets are tiny plastic tubes put into the eardrums to relieve ‘glue ear’, fluid build-up that occurs when the eustachian tube becomes blocked. If glue ear does not clear up within a couple of weeks, it can cause speech, learning and behavioural difficulties in young children, and hearing problems in older children and adults.
- The grommet is inserted by making a small hole in the eardrum and gently pushing the grommet into place. A microscope is used to guide the placement accurately.
- The operation takes only a few minutes and can be carried out as a day-case procedure under local (for adults) or general anaesthetic (for children).
- There are no stitches or packing. Slight bleeding from the ear for 1–2 days is common, but any discomfort is mild and easily controlled with paracetamol. You can return to normal activities the day after the operation.
- Grommets stay in the eardrum for about 9 months and then drop out on their own. Most people don’t notice when they come out.
- You can swim with grommets in, but diving is not recommended. You should use ear plugs when showering or bathing to keep soapy water out. Air travel is not a problem with grommets.
- The main complication of grommets is infection. This can cause discharge from the ear, but in most cases can be treated by a short course of antibiotic ear drops.